Saturday, September 09, 2006

Couple more pics

The first picture is just moments after the birth. No explanation for why I once again look more tired than Nicole, except to say that she had the benefit of being in a hottub until 5 minutes before the baby arrived. (This time we made it to the hospital a luxurious 1 hour before the birth).

Nicole was never on her back, had no drugs, and was at least as alert as the medical staff throughout.

The only glitch was when I leaned on the bathtub and caused water to start gushing onto the floor of the delivery room.

I mentioned to Eve (our 2 year-old) that the swaddled baby looked a little like a hotdog - an important reference point when you've spent the summer in Chicago. Later, back at home, Eve said she wanted to go back to the "hotdog place" to be with Moma. Later still, she was admonishing herself. "Not hotdog hotdog place."


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